Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adorable little Sebastien (and his mom and dad)

This little guy was a dream! Happy, smiley, and stayed right where you put him! Every time I would squat down to get his picture, he would squat with me: he thought it was a hilarious game!

Early morning siblings

This family was up at the crack of dawn to get in a "beat the heat" session... it hit 100 degree by 10 o'clock that morning!


Lovely, lovely sisters

Sister pictures get me every time! Something about the shared giggles, the hand holding... best friends indeed.

Cousins (and a grandma)

How cute are these little cousins, bestie besties... except again, the little guy wanted OUT! Too precocious...

Boy, all boy...

This family was precious and ready to add another member any day! Their little guy was the cutest boy's boy ever... most of the shots from the day were blurred streaks as he ran by! I was able to get him to hold still for a couple great shots :).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

6 months!

This little guy was so easy going and such a happy camper... even though his sweet mama had to wake him from his nap for us to shoot! Happy six months Anthony :).

Thursday, March 15, 2012

at long last, spring!

The days are finally warming up, and the kids are back outside! Bliss for a mama of little ones!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


How precious is the sweet friendship of two adorable sisters? I absolutely loved chasing these two around as they played, read books, built blocks, swung and climbed on a gray Sunday afternoon :).